Hello Thesis!

Long time no see.

Rafa Poloni
2 min readOct 6, 2020

Nine years have passed and I am again facing a two-semester thesis. And to be honest, the memories from the last time are not pleasant. But here I am, starting my thesis project for the SVA’s MFA in Interaction Design.

My first assignment was to choose 5 topics or areas of interest that I would like to address in my thesis. There are a few things that scare me at this early stage:

  1. the fear of committing to a topic that later turns out to be not as good as I thought;
  2. the fear of megalomania (something not uncommon in the initial stages of a design thesis).
  3. not knowing how the pandemic will affect my work and my possibilities.

With that in mind, I started writing areas that I have interest in. After that, I started brainstorming possible topics within this bigger areas. I think I still can dedicate more time to this task, but I also know that we will always feel like we need more time. After all, as a professor once told me: “design projects only end by decree”.

The 5 topics/areas I chose to present to the class are:

  • How can we visually represent music?
  • How to facilitate veganism?
  • How might we make better musical experiences for people with hearing loss?
  • How can we help the design market be more inclusive?
  • Keeping the past alive!

Of course, at this point, I don’t feel confident about any of these topics. I am trying to keep an open mind and trying to find something that can make my pandemic days lighter — instead of being a burden. I started a bank of topics and I hope to continue cultivating it for the next days.

I can’t remember if when I decided on my topic for my undergrad thesis I was sure about it. But I do remember having a great time studying my subject. And that is what I am looking forward to.

