Thesis — S01E04

The one I am lost.

Rafa Poloni
2 min readOct 27, 2020

One more week passed. And I am still not sure about what I am doing.
I watched a bunch of videos and I read a lot about music, its relation to mathematics, physics, geometry, health, emotions, and an infinitude of other topics. I still am far from feeling good about my topic, but it’s being nice to study more about music.

This week I’ve made 4 more interviews (totaling 7, so far). I could talk with 2 women, 1 GenZer, and 1 person that doesn’t work in the creative industry. Right now there are a lot of patterns that are becoming clear, but I still don’t know if I have a clear problem to solve.

One thing that triggered me to think of different possibilities was that one of my interviewees mentioned that they like to hear a specific band while having an anxiety crisis. It got me thinking if somehow I could start thinking of experiences to help people with anxiety. Kind of a meditation experience, but facilitated by music and maybe other sensorial stimuli.

For this week I also had to list some of my assumptions and I have a lot of them. Some of them I am having a hard time to address in my interviews.

Talking about interviews, this week I tried having a more structured process and also to get more deep/subjective in some questions. It was good but there is still plenty of space for improvement.

In this past week, I also had to start getting deeper into my competitive analysis. As I am still deciding on my specific problem to solve, I had to investigate things in different areas. I focused my research on three specific pillars: music streaming players, songs for focus and productivity, and visualization of music.

Petal Diagram— Competitive Analysis

I really like doing research, especially related to music. It is such a pity that we have so many homework that we can’t focus more on that.

I am having a lot of second thoughts about my topic and started considering a possible change. Let’s see what happens in the next episodes.

